Description: The purpose of this page is to organize all of the information in this website into categories based on subject matter, and content in them.
Brass Techniques lesson plan This is a lesson plan I wrote for my Sophomore brass techniques class. It involved working on double and triple tonguing at various tempos.
Practicum Lesson Plan This is a semester practicum reflection and lesson plan I wrote for a High School concert band class I observed over the spring semester 2018.
Experience Design for Creative Kids Coop(MUED 380) This experience design, is written for a fifth grade Elementary class. It involves
Peer Teaching lesson plan This is a lesson plan I wrote for my Advanced Instrumental Music class with several of my peers. We used the music from the movie "Star Wars" to teach different concepts about dynamics, articulation, and style.
5th Grade Clarinet Lesson This is a lesson plan I wrote to learn how to plan in 3/4 and work on different pieces for the students concert.
Evidence of Ability to Modify Student Plans to improve student learning
Waterman Music Night Reflection This is a lesson plan and reflection I wrote where I ended up changing the whole lesson to fit the students that I encountered during the event.
Hammel Winding Lesson This is a lesson plan I wrote that can be altered in several ways to meet the needs of different learners.
JMUke Experience Design This is a lesson plan for a Ukulele community engagement we put on for students. We had to modify the plan based on the number and experience of the students that showed up.
Student Background Project A and B: Example of how I would modify my teaching for two individual learners
Winding it Back A reflection post on winding instruction backwards and forwards to meet the needs of all students
Peer Teaching Lesson Plan This plan was written to incorporate several different types of students on non traditional instruments into a lesson where everyone learned a song by ear.
Technology projects and other evidence of ability to employ technology
Lesson Plan This lesson plan involves exploring movie scores and how composers write scores for cinema, as well as letting students create their own music for a movie clip.
Philosophy of Education This is a paper where I reflect on the history of education, as well as my beliefs and philosophies as an educator.
Semester Reflection This is a reflection I wrote about all the music education classes I had taken in my first three years, and what I learned from all the experiences, and assignments.
Professional Reflection Here is a post where I reflect on all of the experiences with music education during my time at JMU and
Practicum Reflection Here is a reflection I wrote based on a semester of practicum observations and teachings I completed.
Video Reflection (Elementary Placement): 1 and 2: These are my reflections on two teaching videos from Elementary Band.
Video Reflection (High School Placement): 1 and 2: These are my reflections on two teaching videos from High school Band.
Evidence of ability to work with others: colleagues, parents, community
Peer Teaching lesson plan This is a lesson plan written by my peers and I for our advanced instrumental methods class. It involved learning
JMU curriculum project: This is a curriculum written by my peers and I for a high school in the area. It includes the classes we would offer, and what students are going to learn in each grade level.
Research Paper on Dyslexia in Music Education This is a paper I wrote detailing what Dyslexia is, how student's with Dyslexia can struggle in music classes, as well as giving strategies to help students be successful.
Video Response 1 and 2 These are reflections on Clarinet and Brass lessons I taught at the Elementary level